Why Buy Three Bean Salad From The Store When You Can Use This Recipe To Make It Yourself?

Three bean salad is a staple dish served at every church potluck I’ve ever attended.
When I was growing up I can remember my church having potluck suppers quite often. You can bet your bottom dollar that there would be at least two bowls of three bean salad on the table. One of them was typically made by my grandmother. I’d always choose grandma’s over the others. Anyway, I found a delicious recipe for three bean salad on the Melady Cooks food blog and it reminds me so much of my grandma’s!
The longer you let this salad marinate the more pickled the beans become and I LOVE that!
Wouldn’t it be grand to get the details on how to make this lovely recipe? Welp, hop on over to the next page for a list of ingredients and instructions. Yum!

Three bean salad has always been one of my most favorite side dishes as far as cold salads go.
Check out what my pal Audrey from the Melady Cooks food blog had to say about this recipe:
The bean salad is probably best made way in advance so the beans have time to absorb the vinegar and become almost pickled. I like them to marinate for just a few hours so there is a contrast when eating them. We liked the simple vinaigrette with this salad. It was a nice balance of sweet and tart. The leftover salad was a bit more pickled when we ate it several days later, but it was good as well.
Thanks for the tip, Audrey! I like my beans to be a bit on the pickled side so I’ll be letting this three bean salad marinate a while longer the next time I make it.


  • 1 can Green Giant uncut green beans
  • 1 can uncut yellow (wax) beans (mine were cut)
  • 1 can kidney or white beans (I used white beans)
  • 1/4 cup finely sliced onions
  • 1/3 cup Bragg’s apple cider vinegar
  • 1/4 cup Domino sugar
  • 1/4 cup Bertolli olive oil
  • Salt and pepper to taste (I used 1/2 teaspoon salt, 1/4 teaspoon black pepper)


Drain beans and add them along with the onions to a container. You’ll need one that has a lid.
In a separate bowl whisk together vinegar, sugar, oil, salt and pepper until emulsified. Pour over vegetables and stir to coat.
Place lid on container and refrigerate at least 2 hours. Serve cold.
4 servings

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