Awesome 5 Year Old Chooses Supper Side Dish And It Couldn’t Be Better

This side dish is nothing shy of creamy and dreamy.

Lately, I’ve been on a health kick. I have been trying not to consume so many carbohydrates in a day. it’s been going well, but boy oh boy do I ever miss mashed potatoes! I came across this fabulous recipe for potatoes cauliflower casserole on the Making Memories With Your Kids food blog and it instantly made my tummy growl. I know potatoes are a carbohydrate but this recipe contains cauliflower, too so it’s all good ?
My mother and father inlaw came over for dinner the other day after church on Sunday and they LOVED this potato cauliflower casserole. Hooray!

I’m sure you are dying to get the details of this recipe, right? Slide on over to the next page for the ingredients and instructions. Enjoy!
Recipe and image courtesy of Making Memories With Your Kids.

Potato cauliflower casserole is something every family needs to try at least once….or twice or three times.

Take a look at what my friend Erin from the Making Memories With Your Kids food blog had to say about this magnificent recipe:
I’m a huge mashed potato fan. Add lots of great things to them like bacon or cheese, and I’m one happy camper. Awhile back a friend of mine told me she added mashed cauliflower to her mashed potatoes to add some more vitamins. I figured why not, I’d give it a try.
They were delicious! I think I could have easily added more cauliflower because there wasn’t a lot of “cauliflower” taste to them. But you could definitely tell they were more than just mashed potatoes. Totally tasty!

I LOVE both mashed potatoes and mashed cauliflower so this cheesy recipe kissed by ranch dressing is a new favorite of mine.


  • * 8 potatoes, peeled
  • * 1/2 head raw cauliflower
  • * 1 cup Kraft grated cheddar cheese + more for the top
  • * 4 ounces Philadelphia cream cheese
  • * 5 strips of Hormel bacon, cooked
  • * 1/4 cup Hidden Valley ranch dressing


Cut your potatoes into large chunks and boil until tender. Drain.
Steam the cauliflower until soft.
In a large bowl, beat cream cheese and ranch dressing. You can add more or less depending on your taste and how thick you would like your mashed potatoes. Add the potatoes and cauliflower and beat until smooth (unless you like chunky mashed potatoes.)
Stir in crumbled bacon and cheese.
Preheat over to 350 degrees.
Spoon potato/cauliflower mixture into a baking dish. Bake for 30 minutes.
Add more shredded cheese to the top and bake until melted.


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