This fried cornbread is something my mother always made for us when we had homemade vegetable beef soup. It’s delicious with soups, chicken and pastry, or just as a snack.

“A SOUTHERN bread for sure! Goes well with any boiled leafy greens, cabbage, lima beans, black-eyed peas, fried fish or pork chops. Just can’t beat it!!! Just like Grandma use to make!”

You can’t beat fried cornbread! I’ve lived in AL all my life, but I was only introduced to this delight about 5 years ago. Great way to change up the already wonderful taste of cornbread!

  • 1 cup self-rising cornmeal mix
  • 2⁄3 cup water
  • 1 cup vegetable oil (for frying)


Mix first two ingredients to make a batter — add more or less water depending on how thick or thin you want your cornbread patties. The best way would be to mix in small amounts of water at a time to get the consistency you want.
In a skillet or frying pan bring oil up to medium heat and test 1/2 teaspoon drop of batter, You do not want it to fry too fast. I normally cook mine on #6 and then furn down to #5 on my stove. Drop by tablespoons full and pat out with back of spoon to make a pattie. Turn over when bottom is light brown.
Serve and enjoy this tasty bread!


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